Carbon Magics

Agri Tech

“Sustainability is about ecology, economy and equity”


Developing Sustainably

Sustainability in food production and crop health monitoring becomes the top most priority for tackling the global carbon foot print towards zero carbon farming by 2030 amidst the demand for feeding the nation through the challenges of ever-growing population on the earth.

Various governmental, non-governmental and inter-governmental public-private partnerships for zero carbon AgriTech programmes were mushroomed imminent in the last decade. Examples include Cool Farm Alliance, Agri EPI Centre etc. Carbon Magics Staffs have attended a number of conferences and workshops which are devoted to zero carbon and AgriTech innovations especially domains such as applications of digital 4.0, artificial intelligence (AI) and data mining techniques, e.g., FARM491 at Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester, UK.


our Development

SaaS Tool To Predict Green house Gases.

We are currently developing a Python based Software as a service (SaaS) toolset that is AI data driven and supported with JSON and XML import/export APIs. This SaaS cloud-based tool can measure, calculate and predict the amount of green house gases (GHG) emitted in every step of the farming and crop harvest of root vegetables. The tool can provide the carbon dioxide (CO2 equivalent) cycle upto 30-45 cm from the soil surface, specifically for potato farms with a view to increase the yield for the farmers. 

Features that make this possible

The Product

Initially our product developers are focussed on catering the needs of the British potato growers – TuberMetrics, a soil carbon analysis platform with supported hardware with fully integrated sensors & communication channels. The research involves the use of existing data on CO2 equivalent emissions from agro-food farms in the UK as well as advanced data analytics to re-calibrate the data inputs and assessment methodology such that they are robust, far more accurate yet possesses reliable scatter. In addition to the AI driven SaaS cloud-based tool development, our experts have partnered with other technology innovators to exploit the use of drone technology, robotics, automation and 5G networks to achieve better yield for farmers for all-year around weather conditions. The benefits of high speed 5G network data driven methodology is recently under-pinned by projects such as “5G Rural First” and “Connected Cows”.

We Believe...

We believe that imparting innovations through automation, robotics, drones, AI data analytics and 5G technology will hugely benefit the agro-food industries and yield large benefits for better community connections between the rural and urban population (e.g., reduced CO2 by buying fruits and vegetables directly from local farm, environmentally efficient farming practices by thorough understanding of soil carbon cycle).